I'm a Qualified Medical Interpreter - What's Next?

October 3, 2023

I'm a Qualified Medical Interpreter - What's Next?

Congratulations, New Medical Interpreter Graduate!

You've put in the time, effort, and dedication to become a qualified medical interpreter, and that's no small task. You've not only mastered the intricacies of language but have also learned to navigate the diverse and complex world of healthcare communication. Now, you're standing at the threshold of a fulfilling and potentially life-changing career. So, what's next?

  1. Licensing and Certification:

Depending on your location, you might want to explore thepossibility of obtaining any necessary licenses or certifications to practiceas a medical interpreter. While not always mandatory, having these credentials can boost your credibility and employability in the field. The Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters, International Medical Interpreters Association, and National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters are all great organizations to get certified through.

  1. Specialization:

Medical interpretation is a vast field with various specialties. You could choose to specialize in areas such as pediatrics, palliative care, mental health, cancer genetics, and more. Specialization not only allows you to deepen your knowledge but also positions you as an expert in a particular niche.

  1. Continuing Education:

Learning never stops in the world of interpretation. Consider enrolling in advanced courses or workshops to keep your skills sharp and stay updated with industry standards. Many institutions, including the Academy of Interpretation, offer advanced courses that can help you refine your skills further.

Interpreter taking course at Academy of Interpretation
Student Learning at The Academy Of Interpretation
  1. Networking:

Building a professional network is crucial. Attend conferences, join online forums, and engage with other interpreters and healthcare professionals. Networking can lead to job opportunities, mentorship, and a sense of belonging to the larger interpreting community.

  1. Internships & Volunteering:

Consider internships or volunteer opportunities at hospitals or healthcare facilities. This hands-on experience not only adds to your resume but also allows you to practice in real-world settings and gain exposure to different medical specialties.

  1. Resume Building:

Craft a compelling resume that highlights your qualifications, skills, and any relevant experience. Make sure to tailor your resume for each job application, emphasizing the skills and experiences that align with the specific job requirements.

  1. Job Search:

When you're ready to start your job search, explore various avenues. Hospitals, clinics, private practices, and language service providers are all potential employers. Don't forget to check job boards and websites dedicated to interpreter positions.

  1. Professional Organizations:

Consider joining professional organizations like the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) or the International Medical Interpreters Association (IMIA). These organizations offer resources, networking opportunities, and a platform to advocate for the interpreting profession. One of our course hosting partners, Liberty Language Services, dives deeper into professional associations for language interpreters and translators.

  1. Continuous Self- Improvement:

Reflect on your work regularly. Seek feedback from colleagues and healthcare providers to identify areas for improvement. Remember, interpreting is not just about language; it's about facilitating effective communication and understanding between patients and healthcare providers.

  1. Ethical Considerations:

Stay true to the ethical guidelines and code of conduct for medical interpreters. Patient confidentiality, impartiality, and accuracy are all paramount. Upholding these principles will earn you respect and trust in you rrole.


Becoming a qualified medical interpreter is a significant achievement, but it's just the beginning of your journey. The healthcare industry always needs skilled interpreters who can bridge language gaps, facilitate communication, and ultimately improve patient care. By taking these steps and embracing continuous learning and growth, you can pave the way for a successful and rewarding career as a medical interpreter. Your contribution to healthcare is invaluable, and we're excited to see where your journey takes you!