From Interpreter to Trainer: Navigating the Path to Teaching

January 2, 2024

Congratulations! You've mastered the art of interpretation, honed your skills, and now find yourself ready to share your expertise with the next generation of interpreters. Becoming an interpreter trainer is a rewarding and fulfilling journey, and at the Academy of Interpretation, we're here to guide you through this process. We often answer the question of where to be an interpreter trainer. 

In this blog post, we'll explore different avenues, both in-person and online, as well as highlight organizations and resources that can guide you into the world of interpreter training.

In-Person Training: 

1. Teaching at Language Institutions:

Many language schools and institutions offer interpreter training programs. Reach out to local language institutes or community colleges that may have a need for experienced interpreter trainers.

2. Community Workshops:

Host your own workshops or training sessions within your community. Local organizations, community centers, or libraries may be open to collaborating on interpreter training initiatives.

Interpreters at community workshop

3. Corporate Training Programs:

Consider offering training to businesses that work with diverse linguistic communities. Corporations often seek language and cultural competency training for their employees.


Online Options:

1. Online Platforms and Institutions:

Explore teaching opportunities on online platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, or Teachable. These platforms allow you to create and deliver courses on interpretation, reaching a global audience. Looking for a place to host your interpretation course? The AOI offers a course hosting platform that will expand your audience by thousands.

2. Webinars and Virtual Workshops:

Host webinars and virtual workshops to share your knowledgewith a broader audience. Platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams provide toolsfor interactive online sessions. Take advantage of social media and otherdigital platforms to get the word out about your workshop.

3. E-Learning Programs:

Collaborate with educational institutions that offer e-learning programs. Many universities have embraced online education, and they may be seeking experienced interpretation professionals to contribute to their language programs.

Interpreter organizations and resources

Organizations and Resources:

There are plenty of interpreter organizations and resources that you can take advantage of while getting started in this field. They offer thought leadership articles, helpful tips and tricks, and certification options.

1. International Medical Interpreters Association (IMIA):

IMIA offers resources and support for medical interpreter trainers. Consider becoming a member to access valuable materials and connect with professionals in the field.

2. National Council on Interpreting inHealth Care (NCIHC):

NCIHC provides resources, training materials, and professional development opportunities for healthcare interpreter trainers.

3. American Council on the Teaching ofForeign Languages (ACTFL):

ACTFL is a valuable resource for language educators, offering certifications, conferences, and publications to support language teaching professionals.

4. Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID):

For those interested in sign language interpretation training, RID offers resources and certifications for interpreter educators.

5. American Translators Association (ATA):

The ATA helps promote the recognition of professional translators and interpreters,facilitate communication among its members, establish standards of competenceand ethics, and to advocate on behalf of the profession.

6. Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI):

Since 2009, the CCHI has offered a certification program for medical interpreters for all languages. They offer three national certifications for medical interpreters. The interpreter certifications are valid for 4 years and are available for renewal.

7. The National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters:

The National Board promotes the standards for and quality of medical interpreting through a nationally recognized and validated certification for medical interpreters. Many interpreters are involved because they have valid national credentials, language testing, and more.


At The Academy of Interpretation, we believe in the power of knowledgeable and dedicated interpreter trainers. Ifyou're considering a path where you not only teach but also inspire the next generation of interpreters, the AOI welcomes you and we invite you to reach out to our team with any questions you may have.  

Lastly, you can always be a trainer with the Academy. As anAOI instructor, you become part of a community dedicated to excellence ininterpretation education. Our commitment to providing high-qualitytraining extends beyond the interpreter role to nurturing skilled and effectivetrainers.Whetheryou aspire to teach in-person courses or contribute to our online programs, your partner in making a meaningful impact in the field of interpretationeducation. 

Becoming an interpreter trainer opens the door to a world of possibilities, allowing you to impart your wisdom, shape the next generation of interpreters, and contribute to the growth of the interpreting profession. Whether you choose in-person or online avenues, collaborate with organizations, or join the AOI community, your journey as an interpreter trainer is a significant step toward elevating the standards of interpretation education. Embrace the opportunity, share your passion, and inspire the interpreters of tomorrow.